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Available Services

Publishing Services

Our primary goal is to make space for more representation for marginalized voices in the publishing world. So we offer a wide range of services in order to make that happen. Whether you want to publish under us, or need to be connected with resources to prepare your project for market some other way, we want to help. 

Ghost Writing

Whether you need to find writer's who can help you shape conversations or descriptions for characters that you are not equipped to accurately represent or have a book in you that you don't have the ability or resources to write yourself, we will help connect you with writer's who are equipped to get your project finished and ready for market.

Sensitivity Research

We firmly believe that the best books are the ones that accurately reflect the widest range of voices and experiences. Which requires writers to represent voices that do not speak for them. To make this easier, we aim to help you find the resources you need to more accurately represent the voices your book speaks for and to find advanced readers who can review your work and offer helpful insight to make your project all that it can be.

Blurbs & Media Kits

Writing a book is one thing. Trying to explain what your book is about is an entirely different ball park. Yeah, we don't know why it's harder either. But luckily, we're here to help! Let us do it for you. Your book's back blurb and your media kit are crucial parts of you actually getting your project into your reader's hands. 


Most books do not sell. That is not an opinion. It is objective fact. A fact that is even more true for people of color and other people who exist in marginalized bodies and communities. Which means that marketing is not something writers can afford to get wrong. With our collective experience, resources and connections, we will help guide you toward a solid plan for getting your book into the hands of your intended audience.

Book Critiques

One of the most anxious parts of writing a book is wondering how it will be received. Having seasoned writers review your book and offer constructive critique is a useful tool for helping alleviate that anxiety and for getting your manuscript that much closer to market ready.

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