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Do you have an amazing story that centers characters of color? We'd love to hear from you. 


We are open to most fiction genres, but are especially looking for young adult, new adult fantasy, speculative fiction, and science fiction novels, written from a Black and Brown perspective: Meaning stories that center characters/communities of color and/or reflect/challenge real world prejudices toward, perceptions of, and experiences of people of color. 


We are interested in a wide variety of stories that fit within those parameters: dystopian adventures, coming of age stories, thrillers, Black and Brown love/joy, fantasy that explores racism and/or colonialism, Black/Brown girl magic, horror stories that center Black/Indigenous/Brown lore, etc.


We accept submissions from self-represented and agent-represented writers.


Email us at:


For consideration, please include the following in your email:


  • A brief Query Letter .

  • A summary of your novel. Please include what the book is about, a summary of how it starts, any major developments or reveals, the ending, a summary of your major characters and a brief list of all marginalized identities that are represented in the story

  • The first three-four chapters 

  • A media kit or a link to your social media if you do not have a media kit


In the subject line please write: SUBMISSION - STORY NAME

We receive a lot of submissions and will only be able to promise correspondance for manuscripts we are interested in hearing more about.


We look forward to reading your stories!

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